วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Rich Dad & Poor Dad

Rich Dad & Poor Dad

Rich dad & Poor dad is a name of book.Today I read this book because my friend give this book to me,and he want me read it.This book was best seller in 1998.This book is a good book.This book tell about teaching of rich dad & poor dad of Robert kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki is a writer of this book.

Robert,He have two father.First father is a real father,and another father is not real.Real father is a Poor Dad,and other father is a Rich Dad.This book give know how for a reader.When you read this book,you will know about how do you a rich man? , How do you make a money? , how do you get first billion? ,and another thing.
Rich Dad tell to Robert " In the school or university. Teach all of student to have knowledge,and teach all of them to be a good employee,but they didn't teach their student to be a leader".It mean student that graduate form university or school,they will only success in their learning.They didn't success in their life. In this book will teach the reader to be the leader,and have knowledge to get the money,and come to be a rich man.They will success in their life.
This book teaching about How do you have passive income?
- In the world have 2 type of income.
  1. First is ACTIVE INCOME - This income everyone can get it. You can get this income ,when you do the job, give energy for do it,and have knowledge to do the job.This income will loss when you don't do it.
  2. Second is PASSIVE INCOME - This income have not many people know about this income.This income is very well,if you have knowledge to get it.because this income will come in to you ,when you don't do anything.You will have a free time to do anything.You will have money form your asset that you do before you get passive income.
I read this book about 3-4 days,and after I finish this book. I give this book to Yutachai,and I tell him this book is very good. You could to read it,believe me.
