วันเสาร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

New Suit for Moot court


Today is Saturday, Septembar 08, 2007. I got up at 06.15. I had class at AUA. I arrived at AUA. about 07.30,then I arrived at AUA. I had a breakfast.My breakfast was American breakfast. In the class I was learned about "The Business view"

1. Shaq moves to miami Heat for 23 million!

2. Alex Rodriguez leaves the Rangers for the Yankees!

3. Figo moves from Barcelona to Madrid rivals for $54 million.

All of the head lines is the name of sport man.

First, is the name of basketball player,who had the higher worth.

Second, is the name of baseball player,who had the higher worth.

Third, is the name of soccer player,who had the higher worth.This sport is very popular in the world.
When I finished class at 11.00,I went to siam square.I had appointment with Mr. Yuthchai.We went to siam square for bought a "new suit". We walked around siam square for looking a shop that sell the suit.After we walked around siam about 30 minute.We found the shop that sell the suit.The name of this shop is "concept". I bought a new suit .I must bought a new suit because I must to wearing this suit on Monday for a "Moot Court"
After We bought a suit. We went to the "Gobe" ,it is the restaurant.We had a lunch at this place. I t was very delicious.This restaurant had Japanese food & steak house and then we came back home. When I arrived at home. I used the computer for do my blog and this blog is the last blog for english II .I like to do my blog.It is very funny and make me smile 555+
See You Again Next Times

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Ethics & Table Tennis

On Friday, August 24, 2007. Normally every Friday I didn't have class, but this week I had class "Ethics",so on that day I had class "Ethics" at the morning 9.30 - 12.00. This subject was very boring.This subject had one rule that everyone didn't like its. That rule is everyone must to wearing an full uniform. When I study in this class, teacher teach about Principle of profession.

Everyone could have principle in every work, and then I finished this class. I had a lunch with my friends.After I had lunch, I will had free times about 3 hours,so I went to play table tennis with my friends. We were play table tennis at M71. It was the first time of me that came in this room. when I came in this room have many peoples play table tennis.Then I started to play its. I gave my friend to teach me how to play.

First, How to Hit The Forehand Table Tennis Drive.

The sequence photos to the left depict the forehand drive as performed by World Champion Jiang Jialiang. The first part of the forehand stroke is to position yourself with your knees bent and your right foot placed slightly further away from the table. With the idea in mind of hitting the ball at the peak of its bounce, approach the ball with a foreword -upward stroke, pivot your waist and shoulders toward a straight-on position to the table as you pull the closed racket into and upwards over the ball.

Second, How To Hit The Table Tennis Backhand Push.

The backhand push stroke is made standing square to the table or with the left foot slightly back. The knees should be bent, while standing on the balls of the feet.The stroke begins with the elbow bent upward and the racket held up near the chest level in an "open" position. Pivot the elbow downward stroking under the ball, sending it over the net onto the opponent's court.

Third,How To Hit The Table Tennis Forehand Push.

Stand with your right foot somewhat back of the left and bend your knees. Stand on the balls of your feet with the racket angle the same as is used for the backhand push. Pivot the elbow down, and stroke under the ball in the same manner as with the backhand push.

Fourth,The Slow Loop.

With your left shoulder facing the table, knees bent, and racket held to knee level or below, hold the racket almost vertical with your wrist slightly cocked towards the floor. After the ball is dropping from the peak of its bounce, move the racket in an almost straight upward path and straighten your right knee as you begin to meet the ball. Close your elbow angle and pivot your waist and shoulders to move towards a flush position with the table. As you pivot, your weight should be transferred to your left foot. Just as the racket contacts the ball, the wrist is flung upward adding further to the already dramatic upward motion. The spin produced by this shot will tend to cause an opponent to put the ball back high, giving you an excellent smash opportunity, or even cause him to miss clear off the table.

After, I finished to play table tennis with my friends. I had class to learned "World Civilization" at 17.00-20.00. It was very boring. I don't like it, but I must to went to learn because I am a student. When I finished this class, I were come back home. When I left out of ABAC, I was boring again because It was very traffic jam on the road( It was a nice picture 555+ ), but it not a problem with me because It to be familiar for me. 555+

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550



Today is Sunday, August 19, 2007. I was get up at 07.00. Today is the day of my forefather. My family have ceremony to respect my forefather, so today I have meeting with my cousin, and had a party at my home. I was talking about their learning and everything.

After I finish a party with my cousin, I am going to vote for draft constitution. I was vote for accept this draft constitution. I think the new draft constitution must better than old constitution, however a new draft constitution has something wrong, something not very well. I mean a new draft is not perfect, It will perfect than old one.

And then I finished to vote. I and my family had to go to Central Rama II. Central Rama II was near my home. It easy for my family to came to this place. We were arrived at 16.00. We came to this place for window shopping and looking for have a dinner. We had a dinner at MK restaurant. This restaurant was popula in central Rama II. I said that because it had many people waiting table for had a dinner. MK is good for a health. I love to eat its 555+. Then I finfished a dinner. I was come back home,when I arrived at my home. I turn on the computer,and come to my blog for get a new journal.

I think today is a nice day. I'm very happy that I go to vote for a new draft constitution. It is a duty of Thai people. Everyone could to go to vote. This duty preserve for Thai people .This is the future of Thailand,the place that you born. If you don't vote, you will be the bad guy.Everyone could to use your right that you have.

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Sticking to those resolutions!!

Today is Saturday, August 11, 2007.I get up at 06.30. Today I had class at A.U.A .I arrived at A.U.A about 07.30 ,then I came to A.U.A ,I had breakfast.My breakfast was American breakfast.It was very well.I had class at 08.00.Normally, In class had student about 20 people, but today had student about 10 people.I think, tomorrow is Mother's day, so many people will have long holiday,and this is the cause that today had student only 10 people in class.

Today, I had study about "stick to those resolutions!"

"How many people make New Year's resolutions or other promises , but fail to stick to them? Most resolutions don't survive more than a few weeks after people make them -- if people even start them at all! That's because some of us have unrealistic expectation.

So what's the secret to sticking with plans and making them work? Here's a little test: read the three cases below. Which her New Year's resolution and why? Why do you think both of the others failed?

Martin: I'm going to lose thirty pounds by my birthday in March. I'm going to run three miles every day. If I go on an 800-calorie-a-day diet, I'll lose about three pounds a week. I will have lost the thirty pounds in ten weeks!!!

Susan: I'm going to save money so I can spend time in spainwhen I graduate from college. I can work part-time two days a week and on Saturdays , so I can earn about $400 a month. My parents said that if I save $200 a month, they'll help me with the rest.

Mandy: I'm going to move to Hollywood and get a small part in a movie. I took some drama classes, so I have some acting experience. My boyfriend says I'm attractive enough to be an actress.

Did you guess correctly? The successful person was Susan. She made a realistic plan for saving money based on how much she could earn in her free time. She was also motivated by her parents' offer to help and she was content to rech her goal little by little.

Martin and Mandy, on the other hand, are unlikely to be successful. They both had unrealistic expections of what they could do. Martin wanted to reduce his calorie intake to almost dangerous levels and he planned an overly ambitious exercise routine. Of cause, he didn't stick to either of them! Mandy should have done some research on the best ways to get into the difficult field of acting, and she'd probably need several years of training first. These days, a pretty face and a few acting classes are not enough!"

At that time,when I learn about that I thinking about my problem,and my problem is my grade in English II subject,so I must sticking to resolutions.I think I will apply form my learning to solve my problem.

I'm going to prove my grade,and want to pass in English II, so I will set up my target.

and my target must realistic.

My first target is develop my writing skill,and grammar.Because my last examination lost many points in writing and grammar parts.

My second target is try to reading and get understand American crime stories.

After, I finished class. I am going to my factory to help my father&mother. Now,at my factory have many order because now is period of high season,so I must to help my father & mother.This job is very funny.Worker at my factory was very friendly. I like to do my job.

In the evening, my parent are going to Central Rama II for have a dinner.My family have a dinner at MK restaurant. I like to eat its.It was very dilicious.I think today is a nice day.I had the way that I will pass English II,but I must sticking on resolution.


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

No class & New Furniture

No class & New Furniture

Today is Wednesday, August 08, 2007. Today I doesn't have class at Assumption University,and I'm very happy because now Thailand is the host at the reception of Universiade Bangkok 2007 ,so today any University doesn't have class.I have my friends are staff of Universiade bangkok 2007. They are very happy to do this job.

In the morning,I have to send up my brother to school.After I send up my brother. I come back to my home,and have a breakfast.My breakfast is a noodle. My mom do its for me.It is very dilicious, and then I am reading an American crime stories. I read "Ride the lighting".This story tell about "Death penalty",and in this story death penalty is "electric chair". It look like ride the lighting.I think this death penalty is torment more than using poison.

In Thailand have death penalty too.The death penalty in Thailand is usinfg poison.I think using poison is well because the prisoner who has death penalty will die without torment, but if we use electric chair to kill the prison.The prisones will have to torment before their die.

Between I reading a book, have a pick up car, parking in fornt of my house that car is pick up of S.B. furniture. Today I have appointment with them because I had bought a sofa and shelf for 2 week,and today they get a sofa ,and shelf to me.This sofa is very nice.I like its.It is very soft. I think if I sleep on its,I will have a nice dream.

After that, I clean my house,and get all of my books on the shelf,and when I finish my work.I go to receive my brother at school. I take times to go to him school about 15 minutes.This school is near my house. When I receive my brother ,I take him to central Rama2 for get him to playing a ball house. My brother love to play its very much.I'm very boring between ,I waiting him.After he finish its. We are have a dinner at BBQ,and then We are come back home.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550



Today I have some good sentence to tell to myfriend.

Rich Dad & Poor Dad

Rich Dad & Poor Dad

Rich dad & Poor dad is a name of book.Today I read this book because my friend give this book to me,and he want me read it.This book was best seller in 1998.This book is a good book.This book tell about teaching of rich dad & poor dad of Robert kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki is a writer of this book.

Robert,He have two father.First father is a real father,and another father is not real.Real father is a Poor Dad,and other father is a Rich Dad.This book give know how for a reader.When you read this book,you will know about how do you a rich man? , How do you make a money? , how do you get first billion? ,and another thing.
Rich Dad tell to Robert " In the school or university. Teach all of student to have knowledge,and teach all of them to be a good employee,but they didn't teach their student to be a leader".It mean student that graduate form university or school,they will only success in their learning.They didn't success in their life. In this book will teach the reader to be the leader,and have knowledge to get the money,and come to be a rich man.They will success in their life.
This book teaching about How do you have passive income?
- In the world have 2 type of income.
  1. First is ACTIVE INCOME - This income everyone can get it. You can get this income ,when you do the job, give energy for do it,and have knowledge to do the job.This income will loss when you don't do it.
  2. Second is PASSIVE INCOME - This income have not many people know about this income.This income is very well,if you have knowledge to get it.because this income will come in to you ,when you don't do anything.You will have a free time to do anything.You will have money form your asset that you do before you get passive income.
I read this book about 3-4 days,and after I finish this book. I give this book to Yutachai,and I tell him this book is very good. You could to read it,believe me.